
San Diego Estate Planning Lawyer Blog


Addressing “Joint” and “Community” Property in Your Estate Plan

California is a “community property” state. This means any property acquired during a marriage belongs to the spouses equally. In the event of divorce, any community property must be divided between the spouses. Of course, a divorced couple can still own property together, but they would do so as joint…


How a Conservatorship Can Protect You (and Your Assets)

During your lifetime, it may be necessary for a court to appoint a conservator to oversee your affairs when you are no longer able to do so. A conservatorship can apply to both a person-i.e., someone to make healthcare decisions for you-and to the property contained within your estate. While…


California Appeals Court Expands Protections Against Elder Financial Abuse

On September 3, a California appeals court issued a landmark decision on the subject of financial abuse of the elderly. California maintains strict laws designed to protect persons aged 65 and above, who are more susceptible to fraud. In this case, the appeals court found the law could apply to…


Winding Down Your Business Through Estate Planning

A comprehensive estate plan can address the disposal of your personal assets, such as your home or retirement accounts, and any business interests you may hold. Many Americans are self-employed or participate in a business partnership. Winding down these business arrangements is a critical component of the estate planning process.…

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