In California probate proceedings are governed by the Probate Code which sets forth certain time limits. Once a petition for probate is filed, you will receive a date for the first hearing in which an administrator or executor is appointed. The hearing is often 2-3 months after the petition has…
San Diego Estate Planning Lawyer Blog
Jury Sides with Billionaire on Child Support
A previous post mentioned that this is the year for billionaires to die without their estate being responsible for any estate taxes. One of this country’s billionaires is Donald Bren of the Irvine Company in California. Estate taxes were far from his mind when this week in Orange county, a…
Appraising Trust or Probate Assets
When someone dies, either with a will or a trust, the assets owned by the decedent have to be valued to determine the fair market value. The date used for valuation of assets is usually the date of death. Sometimes the document, whether a will or a trust, will provide…
What is a Pour Over Will and Do You Need One?
One of the documents of our revocable living trust package is a document called a “pour over” will. Many clients ask why they need a will when they are doing a trust. Wasn’t one of the reasons to create a trust to avoid the probate process that is necessary with…
Re-run of Leona Helmsley’s Estate
Remember when hotel magnate Leona Helmsley left $12 million to her dog Trouble? It’s happened again! The late Miami heiress Gail Posner who recently died in Miami left $3 million to her dog Conchita and 2 other dogs who will live in her 7 bedroom $8.3 million mansion cared for…
Billionaires Pledge 150 Billion for Charity
Recently Warren Buffett and Bill Gates decided to begin a philanthropic campaign called the Giving Pledge Campaign. Buffet and Gates have each pledged to give half of their wealth to charity and have contacted a number of other billionaires world wide to make a similar pledge. It is reported that…
When Someone Dies With No Heirs
If someone dies without a will or a trust, they are said to have died intestate. According to the Probate Code sections on intestacy ( Sections 6400 et seq.), that person’s estate will be distributed to the persons specified in the Code. For example, if you die without a will…
Interesting Case on Gifts to Care Custodians
Past blogs on our website have discussed California Probate Code section 21350. That section limits certain individuals from receiving assets under a will or a trust in some circumstances. Some of the suspect transfers are to the person who drafted the will or trust, a conservator of the transferor, or…
Estate Planning Especially Important for Unmarried Couples
Many couples who have opted not to get married may believe that estate planning or lack thereof is the same for them as for married couples. Unfortunately, it is not, which is why unmarried couples really need an estate plan. Whether gay, lesbian, or heterosexual, unmarried couples do not have…
Faces of Our Estate Planning Clients
At Scott C. Soady, A Professional Corporation, we assist families and individuals with a variety of legal needs. We do family law, civil law, and estate planning. In the estate planning area, we have many different types of estate planning clients. Some clients come to us because a loved one…