What is the meaning of the term “capacity” in California? Many people, particularly estate planning lawyers toss the term “capacity” out as though everyone knows what the term means. Often you hear people talk about someone “losing capacity” in the sense of not being able to make a will or…
San Diego Estate Planning Lawyer Blog
Gifting or Loaning Money to Your Kids
Often as parents or grandparents, we want to give or loan money to our children or grandchildren. Sometimes these amounts can be substantial and the question arises as to whether it should be a gift or loan. If the amount is significant, you may feel also feel that out of…
What Happens to Your Online Accounts When You Die?
Most people in our high tech society have online accounts such as ebay, Pay Pal, Facebook, Linked in, etc. not to mention their online banking accounts, brokerage accounts, and others with passwords. Some people have photographs and documents stored in their computer and have passwords to get into their computer.…
Issues of the “Sandwch Generation”
Many people in San Diego and throughout the country find themselves in the “sandwich generation.” They have children at home with all their issues, problems, and needs and they also have aging parents who have their own issues, problems, and needs. By some estimates, as many as 16 – 18…
Being a Successor Trustee in These Tough Economic Times
Depending on who you talk to about the economy, “things are going to get worse before they get better” or “things are looking up.” There is no question though that the real estate market is down in San Diego. The stock market is also not what it was several years…
Part III Who Needs an Advance Health Care Directive?
The short answer to this question is just about anyone unless they are a minor. Anyone over the age of 18 can execute a health care directive and they are simple to fill out. The reality of life is that it is often unpredictable. We never know when an unexpected…
HIPAA – Part II What are Advance Health Care Directives and What do they have to do with HIPAA?
A document called an Advance Health Care Directive appoints a family member or friend to make health care decisions for you if you become physically or mentally unable to make them for yourself. The person you name is called your “Agent” and you usually name back up Agents as well…
What is HIPAA?
No, HIPAA is not a female Hippo. In the medical and estate planning field, HIPAA stands for the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. HIPAA and California’s codification called CMIA (Confidentiality of Medical Information Act) have provisions in them to prevent health care providers from disseminating your…
Unusual Will Contest before Death of Testator
In the category of “stranger than fiction,” a lawsuit has been filed in Arizona by a man who was cut out of his mother’s will. The problem is that she is not dead yet. Here in the San Dieigo Probate Court, will contests are filed but after the death of…
New Guide for Seniors Available in May
Seniors in San Diego as in other cities across California have many issues that are unique to them: Elder abuse, Medi-Cal planning and eligibility, social security, health care directives and powers of attorney, rights as a grandparent, and various estate planning issues. There is a great publication published by the…