
San Diego: National Healthcare Decision Day

In San Diego, California [as well as across the United States], April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day. In San Diego, with over 1,000,000 residents alone, this is a very important topic. In California, the Advance Health Care Directive is a form which is included in a living trust to insure that your wishes are carried out if you cannot make them for yourself due to incapacity or other factors.

A recent article in the San Diego North County Times highlights this issue. In this article, George Chamblin writes that a “new survey finds that most families, willing to hold meaningful discussions on other issues, are still hesitant to deal with death”. In our law firm of Law Office of Scott C. Soady, A Professional Corporation, LLP, we assist families in beginning the discussion on this topic. In addition, you can feel free to e mail to our firm for assistance in this discussion.

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