
San Diego: Senior Citizens and Memory

In San Diego, we have many senior citizens. One article explains that talking frequently improves memory. An estate plan includes provisions for a conservatorship if necessary and our firm’s hope is that you never need this and that by good health [both mental and physical] a conservatorship will never be necessary. However, if it ever is, please e mail our firm.

An article at SeniorJournal reports a study done at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. One of the researchers was a psychologist at University of California in San Diego. This study tested people as old as 96 and found that a ten minute conversation was just as effective as crossword puzzles or other “solo” intellectual activities for preventing loss of memory. So instead of sitting home alone doing puzzles to keep your brain sharp, invite someone over for a conversation.

As we grow older, we face not only issues of memory loss but also issues relating to estate planning, long term health care, planning for incapacity and other issues in the area of elder law.

If you are a senior with concerns over aging, contact us at the law firm of Law Office of Scott C. Soady, A Professional Corporation for a free and confidential consultation. We can help you with documents to appoint someone to take care of your finances if you become unable to do that for yourself or a health care directive to appoint someone to make health care decisions for you in the event you are unable to do for yourself. If you don’t already have a living trust, the creation of one can be an incredible gift to your loved ones who will have to settle your affairs when you are gone.

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