In Southern California, we have many banking institutions. In San Diego, some of the prominent banks are Bank of America, Washington Mutual, Union Bank of California and Wells Fargo. Our law firm of Law Office of Scott C. Soady, A Professional Corporation, LLP does not endorse or support any of these institutions and these are used for illustration purposes only.
We Americans write about 40 billion paper checks each year. In addition, for the first time that number recently was eclipsed by the annual number of automated transactions involving checking accounts. Checking account transactions are such a widespread part of our lives that consumers of banking services are well advised to become acquainted with major changes affecting banking laws. Federal legislation called the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act, or “Check 21” for short, went into effect on October 28, 2004. This is part of the Federal Reserve Board.
Check 21 will allow financial institutions to process “substitute” checks–high-quality paper reproductions created from electronic images of both sides of an original check. In time, check processing will be faster, and this is where there will be ramifications for check writers and depositors.