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We know that many Americans procrastinate about getting a will or a trust done. Especially in this economy where people have a lot of challenges, an estate plan, even if desired, sometimes doesn’t work itself up to the top of one’s To Do List. What happens if you procrastinate about getting an estate plan?

Probate – Without a trust or a will, your estate will wind up in the probate court. Statutory fees will have to be paid to the probate attorney and the administrator of your estate. Probate is not private – anyone can view probate records – and the distributions to your heirs can be delayed for as much as a year and in some cases, longer.

Without a will or a trust, your surviving spouse may not inherit your entire estate. Your spouse will inherit all the community property but will only get 1/2 to 1/3 of your separate property. The remaining property will go to the children.

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Have you ever wondered whether someone who murders another person can inherit from their estate? In years past, there have been several California cases where children have murdered their parents, sometimes for money, as was alleged in the famous Menendez case in Los Angeles. Two brothers, Eric and Lyle Menendez, were tried and convicted of murdering their parents in 1989 to inherit what they thought was a $14 million estate. As it turned out, after taxes, loans, and costs of defense, they each would have inherited only about $ 2 million each. They were prevented from inheriting their parents’ estate.

The California Probate Code Section 250 has a section that provides that a person who “feloniously and intentionally kills the decedent” is not entitled to “any property, interest, or benefit under a will of the decedent or a trust…” This would also include life insurance proceeds or assets left to the killer as a designated beneficiary. You may remember Scott Peterson who was convicted of killing his wife. He was prevented from receiving benefits from his wife’s insurance policy.

All states in this country have similar laws to prevent someone who kills another from inheriting from the victim of their crime. In addition many states have adopted laws to make it difficult for convicted killers to sell their story and keep the money for themselves. These so-called “Son of Sam” laws came from the case where serial killer David Berkowitz, nicknamed the Son of Sam, was planning to profit from the sale of his story. California passed a “Son of Sam” law in 1986 prohibiting felons from profiting from their crimes. This law was struck down in 2002 as being unconstitutional. Today “Son of Sam” laws are sometimes put into plea bargains to provide that any profits from book deal or movies will go to the U. S. Treasury. Another remedy for victims is that they can sue their perpetrators in civil court, as in the O.J.Simpson case, and obtain a judgment which would be satisfied by book and movie profits.

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Sometimes we get calls within a day or two of a loved one’s passing away by family members who wonder what they should do. The first thing that should be done is to handle the bereavement process. Spend time with family and friends and begin the grieving process before anything else.

There are many resources on line and in San Diego for information on the grieving process.

The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization is the largest nonprofit organization representing hospice and palliative care programs. In San Diego we have the Elizabeth Hospice, San Diego Hospice, and Hospice by the Sea to name just a few. For people dealing with the death of a child there is the Empty Cradle and the Jenna Druck Foundation.

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Some people need extra time to file a personal tax return or an estate tax return. On your personal income taxes, you can apply for an automatic extension to file but it doesn’t extend the time to pay. You will have to pay a .5% per month penalty for late payment.

With the payment of estate taxes, you can also apply to receive a 6 month extension. The extension provided for in IRS Form 4768 is automatic. You will automatically receive an extension to file for 6 months however be aware that an extension of time to file is not an extension of time to pay the taxes. An extension of time to pay is discretionary.

One executor and trustee of an estate found this out the hard way. In a court case entitled Baccei v. United States, a trustee of a revocable living trust hired an accountant to prepare the Federal estate tax return. The accountant filed Form 4768 requesting a 6 month extension of time to file the return. Part of the form contains a section for an explanation as to why the estate needs more time to pay the tax and the number of months requested, up to 12 months. The accountant did not fill out that part of the form. Within 6 months, the accountant filed the return and paid the estate tax. The IRS then assessed a late penalty on the estate tax paid which had been approximately $1 ½ million. The Trustee appealed.

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Accidental disinheritance is a growing problem, not only in San Diego, but across the country. We have seen it in the cases of Anna Nicole Smith and Heath Ledger. Failure to update estate planning documents or beneficiary designations can cause unintended disinheritance or unequal distributions that may not have been intended.

One of the ways people accidentally cause a disinheritance is in a stepparent situation. As an example, suppose a man has a will he created when married to the mother of his children. After she dies, he remarries and writes a new will leaving everything to his new wife. When he dies, the new wife inherits everything and then leaves her estate to her own children. The husband’s children (her stepchildren) are disinherited, which was probably not the father’s intent. The way to avoid this was to have a trust set up with the new wife which could have provided that his wife had the use of the assets during her lifetime but upon her death, the husband’s children participated in the distributions. This is a situation where an experienced estate planning lawyer would have been worth the expense to draft an appropriate will or trust to take into consideration possible future scenarios.

Another way that a failure to update can cause difficulties is where a child is born after the estate plan is created and the child has special needs. A trust, if drafted correctly, usually will provide for after born children without the necessity to update the trust, however, if a child born after the trust is created has special needs and is on public assistance, a special needs trust needs to be prepared so if the parents die, the child does not receive his inheritance outright and lose his public assistance.

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As San Diego estate planning attorneys, we at Law Office of Scott C. Soady, A Professional Corporation, have been following the story of Heath Ledger as it related to his estate plan. You may recall that he had a will leaving his estate to his parents and siblings and then later had a daughter Matilda. His family decided that even though the will made no mention of children, they would give his entire estate, estimated to be about $20 million, to Matilda. Now another interesting aspect:

At the recent Academy Awards, Heath Ledger posthumously received an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the Dark Knight. There was some controversy before the Awards as to who would become “Oscar’s” owner. The director of the academy, Bruce Davis, said it was complicated because there was the issue of who would accept the award and then who would keep the statute. According to the Academy’s tradition, when an award is given posthumously it usually goes to the spouse or to the oldest child if there is not spouse. Health Ledger wasn’t married and his daughter is only 3 years old. Being 3, Matilda would not be able to sign the “winner’s agreement” which is a contract between the Academy and the winner that the winner will not sell the Oscar without first offering it back to the Academy for $1.00. The whole issue was resolved by deciding to give the statue to Matilda but her mother Michelle Williams will be the legal custodian. When Matilda turns 18, she can sign the agreement on her own behalf and then she will be legally bound not to sell the statue.

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In December 2008, Peter Falk’s daughter petitioned the court in Los Angeles county to become the conservator of her father. Falk, noted for his role of Columbo on TV, has apparently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. His daughter Catherine claims her father requires full time custodial care for his health and safety and is unable to take care of his finances. The Los Angeles court appointed an attorney to evaluate Falk who has filed a report saying there is no grounds for a conservatorship. Falk’s wife of 32 years also opposes the conservatorship.

Conservatorships are probate proceedings where a judge appoints a responsible person called a conservator to care for another adult who cannot care for himself or herself or handle his or her finances. Any person who wants to be a conservator can petition the court to become the conservator. Usually it is the individual’s spouse or other relative although it can be a friend or even a state or local agency. The court will not grant a petition for conservatorship if there are other ways to meet an individual’s needs such as with a durable power of attorney, a spouse that can handle the care and finances, or a revocable living trust in place.

It will be interesting to see what the L.A. probate court does in the case of Peter Falk. Another hearing on the matter will be held soon. If you have questions about conservatorships or how to avoid them, call the experienced estate planning lawyers at Law Office of Scott C. Soady, A Professional Corporation for a complimentary consultation.

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In California, the transfer of a car or other vehicle can be done without probate through the DMV. If you are an heir of someone who has died, you can transfer title even though there will be a probate or trust administration. You do have to wait at least 40 days from the date of death before you can transfer ownership.

The DMV form called “Affidavit for Transfer Without Probate” must be completed for all motor vehicles licensed in California. In additional to this form you will also need the Certificate of Title, an Odometer Disclosure Statement, a Statement of Facts, and pay the transfer fee.

DMV offices are located all over San Diego County, in the cities of Oceanside, El Cajon, Chula Vista, Poway, Escondido, Claremont and downtown.

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Many elderly people in San Diego are cared for at the end of their lives by caregivers and friends rather than family members. Sometimes they want to provide for those caregivers or friends in their will or trust. Such bequests however can be challenged by family members and other beneficiaries after a death.

The California Probate Code lists seven categories of people who are presumptively unable to inherit under a will or a trust. The list includes the person who drafted the will or trust, the law firm, attorneys or employees of the law firm that are asssociated with the drafting and “care custodians.” A care custodian is defined to include a number of agencies and any “individual providing health care services or social services to elders or dependent adults.”

Those persons mentioned in Probate Code section 21350 who are left an inheritance are subject to higher scrutiny before they can inherit. They can inherit only if they can prove by “clear and convincing evidence” that the bequest to them “was not the product of fraud, menace, duress, or undue influence.” This can be difficult to prove after the death of the individual making the will or trust.

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The simple answer to this question is “before you need it” however knowing when that is can often be difficult. Most of us know to plan for retirement but sometimes we don’t recognize the need to plan for when we or our parents can no longer take care of ourselves.

People are living longer and more people will need long term care than in past generations. Some people do not realize that often what strikes the elderly is not a physical ailment but a mental condition which Medicare will not cover. Medicare typically covers such things as skilled nursing but it usually does not cover custodial care. Paid caregivers at home or home health aides, a nursing home, or other assisted living facilities will not usually be paid for by Medicare.

The time to consider the expenses of long term care is before it is needed so that you can explore such options as long term health care insurance, a spend down of assets to qualify for Medi-Cal, or community services that may be available. Taking the time now to plan, before there is a need, will give you peace of mind to deal with the difficult decisions that arise when the time comes.

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