Living trusts save beneficiaries thousands of dollars in probate fees, however, upon the death of the Trustor, there are still steps that need to be taken by the Successor Trustee. These steps are called trust administration and often require some assistance from an experienced attorney. If these actions are not taken or done incorrectly, the Successor Trustee may be held liable to the beneficiaries.
The California Probate Code requires notification by the Successor Trustee to the beneficiaries and heirs of the person who has died. A copy of the will must be filed with the County Clerk. Notices should be sent to the Dept. of Health Services to determine if the person received Medi-Cal benefits as there may be a lien against the estate for reimbursement of those benefits. A similar notice of death should be sent to the Social Security Admiistration, Veterans Administration (if applicable) and the credit bureaus. Creditors may need to be dealt with. The issue of estate taxes needs to be considered.
Trust assets need to be inventoried and valued as of the date of death and decisions made as to how the assets will be distributed to the beneficiaries. Will assets be liquidated to provide cash to the beneficiaries or will the assets themselves be divided up in a manner which fulfills the trust’s provisions?